Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: P. Chainais, , “Machine Learning”, 36 hours, 3rd year.

  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: P. Chainais, “Wavelets and Applications”, 24 hours, 2nd year.

  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: P. Chainais, “Introduction to Matlab”, 16 hours, 3rd year.

  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: P. Chainais, “Signal processing”, 22 hours, 1st year.

  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: P. Chainais, “Data Compression”, 16 hours, 2nd year.

  • Ecole Centrale de Lille: Ph. Preux, “Data Data Data Data ”, 2 hours, 3rd year.

  • P. Chainais is Responsible for a new 3rd year program called Decision making & Data analysis.

  • Master: O. Pietquin, “Decision under uncertainty”, 46 hours, M2, Master in Computer Science, Université de Lille 1.

  • Master: A. Lazaric, “Introduction to Reinforcement Learning”, 30h eq. TD, M2, Master “Mathematiques, Vision, Apprentissage”, ENS Cachan.

  • Master: R. Gaudel, “Data Mining”, 30h eq. TD, M2, Université Lille 3.

  • Master: R. Gaudel, “Web Mining”, 32h eq. TD, M2, Université Lille 3.

  • Master: R. Gaudel, “Algorithmic”, 19h eq. TD, M2, Université Lille 3.

  • Master: Ph. Preux, “Mathematics, Computer Science, and Modeling”, M1 of psychology, Université of Lille 3.

  • Master: Ph. Preux, “Algorithms, and programming in Python”, M1 MIASHS, Université of Lille 3.

  • Licence: Ph. Preux, “Algorithms, and programming in Python”, L3 MIASHS, Université of Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, “Programing”, 2×16h eq. TD, L1, Université Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, “Logic”, 31.5h eq. TD, L3, Université Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, “Information and Communication Technologies”, 2×16h eq. TD, L1, Université Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Gaudel, “Artificial Intelligence”, 31.5h eq. TD, L2, Université Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Gaudel,, “C2i”, 25h eq. TD, L1-3, Université Lille 3.

  • Licence: R. Mary,, “C2i”, 25h eq. TD, L1-3, Université Lille 3.

  • Master: J. Mary, “Programmation et analyse de donnée en R”, 24h eq TD, M1, Université de Lille 3, France.

  • Master: J. Mary, “Programmation web avancée”, 24h eq TD,M2, Université de Lille 3, France.

  • Master: J. Mary, “Programmation objet et Design Pattern”, 48h eq TD,M2, Université de Lille 3, France.

  • Master: J. Mary, “Algorithmique”, 12h eq TD,M1, Université de Lille 3, France.

  • Master (3rd year of Engineer School): J. Mary, “Machine Learning avec R" , 16 hours, M2, Option "Data Analysis and Decision", Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

  • Master (3rd year of Engineer School): E. Duflos, “Advanced Estimation" , 20 hours, M2, Option "Data Analysis and Decision", Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

  • Master (3rd year of Engineer School): E. Duflos, “Multi-Objects Filreting" , 16 hours, M2, Option "Data Analysis and Decision", Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.


  • PhD: Azadeh Khaleghi, “Sur Quelques Problèmes non supervisés impliquant des séries temporelles hautement dépendantes”, Nov. 2013, Université de Lille 1, advisor: D. Ryabko.

  • PhD in progress: Boris Baldassari, Apprentissage automatique et développement logiciel, since May 2011, advisor: Ph. Preux.

  • PhD in progress: Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, A General Sequential Model for Constrained Classification, since Oct. 2011, advisor: Ph. Preux, L. Denoyer, P. Gallinari.

  • PhD in progress: Victor Gabillon, “Active Learning in Classification-based Policy Iteration”, since Sep. 2009, advisor: Ph. Preux, M. Ghavamzadeh.

  • PhD in progress: Frédéric Guillou, “Sequential Recommender System”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary, R. Gaudel.

  • PhD in progress: vicenzo Musco, “Topology and evolution of software graphs”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Preux, M. Monperrus

  • PhD in progress: Olivier Nicol, “Data-driven evaluation of Contextual Bandit algorithms and applications to Dynamic Recommendation”, since Nov. 2010, advisor: Ph. Preux, J. Mary.

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Hoarau, “Multi-arm Bandit Theory”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos.

  • PhD in progress: Tomáš Kocák, “Sequential Learning with Similarities”, since Oct. 2013, advisor: R. Munos, M. Valko

  • PhD in progress: Emilie Kaufmann, “Bayesian Bandits”, since Oct. 2011, advisor: R. Munos, O. Cappé, A. Garivier.

  • PhD in progress: Amir Sani, “Learning under uncertainty”, Oct. 2011, since advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.

  • PhD in progress: Marta Soare, “Pure Exploration in Multi-arm Bandit”, since Oct. 2012, advisor: R. Munos, A. Lazaric.

  • PhD in progress: Hong Phuong Dang, Bayesian non parametric methods for dictionary learning and inverse problems, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais.

  • PhD in progress: Linh Van Nguyen, High resolution reconstruction from low resolution measurements of velocity fields in turbulent flows, since Oct. 2013, advisor: P. Chainais & J.p. Laval (Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille).


  • member of the recruitement committee for an assistant professor position at Université de Lille 3: R. Gaudel, Ph. Preux

  • member of the recruitement committee for an assistant professor position at Université de Lille 1: P. Chainais

  • member of the recruitement committee for a professor position at Université de Paris 6: Ph. Preux

  • Member of the jury DR2 Inria 2013: R. Munos

  • Member of the jury CR2 Rocquencourt Inria 2013: R. Munos